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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009 - The Daily Star - Baroud says his silence on Sader abduction aims to protect integrity of case

Daily Star staff

BEIRUT: Interior Minister Ziyad Baroud said on Monday that he had abstained from commenting on the investigation into the abduction of Middle East Airlines (MEA) employee Joseph Sader to protect the integrity of the case. Fifty-year-old Sader worked as an Information Technology expert for MEA and was abducted on February 12 on his way into work at Beirut International Airport, allegedly by three unidentified assailants who bundled him into a sport utility vehicle.
Speaking to An-Nahar newspaper, Baroud said his ministry, along with the Internal Security Forces, was heavily criticized for declining to comment on Sader's disappearance, but had remained silent in order to ensure the integrity of the ongoing investigation.
"I can't hold a press conference to talk about the issue because I want to protect Sader, since we don't know where he is," said Baroud, adding he was in contact with Sader's family. "If we had enough evidence we would work to ensure Sader's release," said Baroud, who declined to comment further in order to prevent the publication of false information.
"I don't think the rumors traded in the media have been beneficial," he said.
It is not yet clear what motive prompted his kidnappers to abduct Sader, described by family and friends as apolitical, but Baroud told An-Nahar the MEA official's disappearance was not necessarily linked to Lebanon's June elections. Shortly after his abduction, An-Nahar quoted high-ranking security sources as saying that a "certain influential party" had handed Sader over to army intelligence. The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) swiftly denied the report.
Elaborating on the June polls, Baroud said all administrative and judicial preparations were now complete, and that 30,000 security officials - 15,000 from the Internal Security Forces and 15,000 from the LAF - would be deployed to ensure security during the election period. All polling stations would be ready by the end of March and 11,500 election employees would vote two days ahead of the elections, the Interior Minister said.
More than 100,000 identity cards had been issued, Baroud said, noting that the production of the cards had been increased from 3,000 to 7,000 cards daily. The identity cards will replace the electoral cards used in previous elections.
Baroud meanwhile emphasized his determination to stand "at equal distance from all of the candidates" and said he undertook all duties in accordance with "the trust the President [Michel Sleiman] gave me." - The Daily Star

March 17, 2009 - Naharnet - Baroud Lacks Leads in Sader Kidnapping; Ensures Readiness for Upcoming Elections

Interior Minister Ziad Baroud announced that he "lacks leads" in the kidnapping case of MEA employee Joseph Sader. "We lack leads to yield a result but nonetheless we have embarked on [the process of] his release." To ensure the integrity of the case, Baroud declined to release any further information.
He told An-Nahar newspaper in comments released on Monday that security incidents like this one are not necessarily linked to the upcoming elections and that these cases require the cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defense, and Army leadership.

With regard to June 7, Baroud announced "complete administrative and judicial preparedness for the elections." He then stressed that all voting stations will be ready for the elections and that he is cooperating with the Army to ensure security. He added that voters will "be able to vote two days before June 7" so the ballot boxes can be categorized on the day of the elections.

With regard to his impartiality he said that he was "determined to perform [his duties] at one distance from all of the candidates," and that he carries out his tasks according to "the trust which the President gave me."

He added that voting stations would be ready by the end of the month.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3, 2009 - Al Mustaqbal - Lebanon Baroud & Case of Sader

بارود يستقبل وفداً من عائلة جوزف صادر
وموسى يطالب بكشف ملابسات اختطافه وإعادته

استقبل وزير الداخلية والبلديات زياد بارود في مكتبه في الوزارة أمس، وفداً من عائلة المخطوف جوزف صادر يرافقهم النائب ميشال موسى. وطالب موسى بـ"كشف كل الملابسات التي أحاطت بعملية اختطاف صادر"، معرباً عن ثقته "بالاجهزة الأمنية التي تعمل على القضية".
وقال موسى: "إن الهدف الاهم هو عودة جوزف صادر، وكشف كل الملابسات التي أحاطت بعملية اختطافه. وكلنا ثقة بالاجهزة الأمنية التي تعمل على القضية، وإننا على تواصل معها بالإضافة الى الجهد الذي يبذله وزير الداخلية شخصياً على كل المستويات السياسية والأمنية"، متمنياً "استمرار هذا الجهد بزخم اكبر فالهدف ان يعود جوزف سريعاً لأن الوقت يمضي والأمور تطول".
ورأى أن هذه القضية "خلقت قلقاً لدى اللبنانيين جميعاً ولذلك يجب حلها بسرعة وأملنا كبير أن تنجلي الامور بالسرعة اللازمة، وأن يعود جوزف صادر إلى عمله ويزول القلق الملازم للمواطنين بعد هذه العملية".
ولفت "الى أن الاتصالات تجري مع كل الافرقاء، ولكن حتى اللحظة لم تصلنا اية اشارة فعلية تشير الى مكان احتجاز صادر. أما المؤشرات التي تصلنا فتشير إلى وجود فسحة امل كبيرة بعودته سريعاً، إنما حتى اللحظة ليس هناك اي خبر رسمي يشير الى الجهة الموجود لديها".
ووجه موسى نداء الى المهتمين بهذا الموضوع "من أجل تزخيم العمل وعودة المهندس جوزف صادر، وإزالة القلق من نفوس اللبنانيين منذ بداية هذه القضية".
من جهتها، شكرت عقيلة المخطوف سلمى صادر للوزير بارود اهتمامه بالقضية، وتمنت على الاعلام "الحصول على المعلومات في خصوص قضية زوجها من الجهات الأمنية المختصة، وعدم الأخذ بالإشاعات التي تصدر على المواقع الالكترونية أو في التلفزيونات"، لافتة الى "أن الوزير بارود يتابع القضية شخصياً ونحن نشكره على اهتمامه لأنه أخذها على عاتقه". ونفت حصولها "على اي معلومات جديدة حول مصير زوجها"، مشيرة الى أن بارود "يتابع القضية يومياً مع كل الأجهزة الأمنية المختصة".
وأشارت إلى أن "النائب موسى إلى جانبنا ونحن نتابع القضية معه ونوجه ضمن هذا الاطار شكرنا لرئاسة الجمهورية ولوزير الدفاع، المهتمين بالقضية بشكل جدي والجميع يطمئننا ونحن متكلون عليهم".
كذلك استقبل بارود النائبين حسين الحاج حسن ونوار الساحلي.

March 3, 2009 - L'Orient le Jour - Family Members Meet Baroud

Une délégation de la famille de Joseph Sader chez Baroud

Le ministre de l'Intérieur et des Municipalités, Ziyad Baroud, a reçu hier, au ministère, une délégation de la famille de Joseph Sader, en compagnie du député Michel Moussa. À l'issue de la rencontre, l'épouse de l'ingénieur enlevé il y a quelques semaines sur la route de l'aéroport a remercié le ministre pour l'intérêt qu'il porte au dossier, affirmant qu'il « suit l'affaire personnellement ». Elle a souhaité que « les médias puisent leurs informations à partir de sources sécuritaires » et « ne tiennent pas compte des rumeurs diffusées sur les sites électroniques ou sur les chaînes de télévision ».
Mme Sader a démenti avoir été en possession de nouvelles informations concernant le sort de son époux, précisant que le ministre de l'Intérieur « suit l'affaire au quotidien avec les services sécuritaires concernés ». Elle a observé que « le député Michel Moussa se trouve aux côtés de la famille ». Elle a également remercié le président de la République et le ministre de la Défense, qui suivent sérieusement l'affaire, précisant que « tout ce monde la rassure » et qu'elle « compte sur eux ».
De son côté, le député Michel Moussa a indiqué que « l'objectif principal est le retour de Joseph Sader et la mise en lumière des circonstances de son enlèvement ». Il a fait part de « sa confiance dans les services sécuritaires concernés par l'affaire », mettant l'accent sur « les efforts déployés personnellement par le ministre de l'Intérieur, aux niveaux politique et sécuritaire ». Et le député d'insister sur la nécessité que Joseph Sader rentre chez lui rapidement, car « le temps passe et l'affaire se prolonge ».
M. Moussa a ajouté que cette affaire est « source d'inquiétude pour les Libanais » et a indiqué que « c'est la raison pour laquelle il faut rapidement la résoudre ». Il a affirmé que « les contacts sont entrepris avec toutes les parties, mais qu'à l'heure actuelle, rien ne permet de connaître le lieu où est retenu Joseph Sader », ajoutant que « les indices permettent d'espérer son retour, très bientôt ».
Le député a cependant répété qu'« aucune information officielle ne permet d'identifier la partie qui détient M. Sader », avant de lancer un appel aux personnes concernées par le dossier, leur demandant de hâter le retour de l'ingénieur.